Theme extension
Extending a theme
DeepThought theme can be extended with usual Zola extension mechanisms.
Replacing a template
As any theme, all DeepThought templates can be replaced to override a whole template.
Blocks to extend
If you don't want to replace a whole DeepThought template, but override parts of it, you can extend the template and redefine some specific blocks.
Here is a WIP list of blocks in DeepThought templates to override:
Template location1 | Block | Description |
base.html | user_custom_stylesheet | Custom stylesheet (css or saas) to fine-tune DeepThought styling |
base.html | title | Customize default page's titles |
base.html | analytics | Provide your own analytics script. Google Analytics by default |
base.html | header | Customize page's header |
base.html | content | Customize page's content |
base.html | search | Provide your own search box partial template |
base.html | pagination | Override default pagination |
base.html | comment | Provide your own pagination partial template |
base.html | other_lang_search_js | Provide custom search behavior, eg. to use languages others than English |
base.html | user_custom_js | Provide any custom JS scripts at the end of the body of the page |
Relative to the templates